ms. e testimonial

What did doing this shoot do for your self confidence, self worth, and self image? Tell me your story.

I finally see myself the way others do. I feel beautiful, pretty, SEXY, hot and so much more. I always thought I was too big to be sexy and Elle made me see that I was so wrong. She hyped me up and told me that I am beautiful and I can do these poses. And she was RIGHT! I truly see that I am more than what the scale says and I don't have to look like others to be considered sexy. I am enough and that is what matters.

Was your experience what you were expecting? If not, how was it different?

Definitely not. I was worried I would feel shy and insecure about my stomach the whole time. Elle right away told me to let that all go and just be myself and have fun. She did not make me feel insecure or "too big" but she made me feel like I was just enough. I had a blast laughing with her and doing the crazy poses and let me tell you she means it when she says it is a workout!! She had me doing poses that had my body shaking. But, it was so worth it in seeing how amazing the pictures turned out.

What was the best part of your experience? Would you change anything?

So many parts it is so hard to pick just one. I love that I was able to get a teaser box though. I was not going to be able to get my pictures in time of my wedding because I had found out about Elle a little later. So I was able to pick up a beautiful black box that had a note in it and I put my of my lingerie in it and my now husbands favorite whisky and he was BLOWN AWAY when he received it on our wedding day. He was so giddy about it and the anticipation he has just waiting to see these pictures is almost better than him actually seeing them! I would not change a single thing.


Boudoir as a gift to you and yours